SmartEVC Platform

Find charging stations on your route and recharge your electric vehicle

Identify multiple charging stations in our network and drive to the one that meets your needs. Your daily commute, weekend getaways and road trips have now become simple and worry free.

Smart EVC Platform


Smart EVC is an intelligent management platform of charging stations, based on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, which enbles user's interaction with the charging stations.

Charging made easy

The platform unifies the different methods of connecting the electric vehicles to the charging stations

Smart Alerts

The mobile application facilitates the user's interaction with the charging stations and generates intelligent alerts on the upcoming charging options, using various pre-established parameters

Based on Blockchain

Unification of payment methods for charging electric vehicles by using Blockchain technology

Details about the project

The Smart EVC Platform is a software platform for the intelligent management of charging stations that will run in cloud, as
"Software as a Service (SaaS)"

Rezultatele proiectului Smart EVC

Întâlnirea de lansare a proiectului Smart EVC

Întâlnirea de lansare a proiectului Smart EVC

Pe data de 15 iunie 2020, membrii echipelor partenere din cadrul proiectului Smart EVC s-au reunit la sediul coordonatorului, ASSIST Software, pentru a marca oficial lansarea proiectului.

Întâlnirea tehnică – Etapa 1 proiect Smart EVC

Întâlnirea tehnică – Etapa 1 proiect Smart EVC

În data de 07 octombrie 2020 a avut loc o întâlnire tehnică aferentă primei etape a proiectului Smart EVC. Aceasta s-a desfășurat la sediul coordonatorului ASSIST Software.

